In industries where the import of raw materials plays a pivotal role to enable manufacturing processes, ensuring the safety of both the products and the workforce is of greatest importance. Companies involved in the processing of many different bulk solids sourced from different locations are challenged with finding the most economic, ecological and safest solution to handle their imports. Handling these materials, particularly during loading and unloading processes, can pose health risks due to the release of harmful dust. From July 2024 on Australia will ban the use, supply and manufacture of engineered stone to protect workers from being exposed to silica dust. This new regulation will make exporters, importers and manufacturers of any materials contained in engineered stone reevaluate their handling methods of these materials in their “raw form”.

Handling and transporting bulk solids using FIBCs can result in the generation of airborne dust particles, with silica dust being a particularly hazardous component. Traditional FIBC loading and unloading methods may inadvertently disperse dust into the air, creating potential hazards for workers and the surrounding environment. This scenario can be observed at any business processing bulk solids. The loading nozzle into the FIBC or the loading nozzle of the FIBC itself are rarely attached with a dust-tight sealing for filling or unloading. Even if the attached equipment has i.e. an inflatable seal, once the FIBC is detached again from the filling spout or lifted from the unloading hopper, dust will be emitted until the FIBC is closed and put into the trash.

The problem becomes more apparent when the material is packaged in units with lower volume like 30kg bags. One shipping container on intermodal transport in Europe can load up to 28 tons of material which would typically be distributed in 28 FIBCs. Previously we have highlighted in an article how transporting bulk solids in Linerbags can reduce time per container loading/unloading and generate savings by reducing handling steps. For the above-mentioned challenge of ensuring the safety of workers handling dusty bulk solids the Linerbag can also become a part of the solution.

Filling and emptying one container with bulk solids requires only one point of connection per container whereas with FIBCs each of them needs to be attached and removed from the filling or emptying connection. That means 28 handling steps and possibilities for dust to escape per container.
The advantages of linerbags are obvious. Their fabric can be made of single PE or PP films, because the sea container in which they are installed supports their outer walls. These fabrics are dust-tight and protect the working environment from the material. FIBCs can also be made with these dust-tight layers, but they still need additional layers of fabric around them to give them their self-supporting strength. We have talked about the reduction in plastic waste by using linerbags before.

Linerbags are on the rise. More and more companies change their supply chain methods to accommodate the use of linerbags. There are variants for every bulk solid being shipped around the globe. The more challenging part is finding equipment to fill and unload linerbags that adhere to our industrial standards and increase workers’ safety. WWTec has been developing these solutions for over 20 years. Their machines do not only enable customers to utilize the advantages of linerbags, but they go one step further. Having safety in mind, WWTec offers equipment with various premium options like inflatable seal connections, liner pressure monitoring, dust filter and redirection systems, oxygen level monitoring and many more. Concerning safety WWTec is also a specialist in explosion protection, offering container loading and unloading equipment with ATEX certification.

Capex investments are difficult to justify in current market conditions for chemical companies and other raw material manufacturers or importers. You might have a great idea that will improve the processes in your company, but you already know that your boss will not grant you the funds necessary. What would your boss say if you present him a solution to save costs in already existing supply chain processes instead of generating new investment expenses?
Here are 4 ideas how you can cut costs in your day-to-day bulk material supply chain operations:

1. Making the most of a container’s payload:
– Optimize the space occupied by material inside a shipping container. Usually containers loaded with FIBCs (or Big Bags) are only 90% full at most.
– Bulk materials with a light density (below 0.7) will not reach the weight limit per container when loaded with FIBCs.
– Modern loading methods with a linerbag let you use 100% of the available space inside a shipping container.
– Getting more material into each container means that you need to ship less containers in the end, saving you handling and shipping costs.

2. Reduce costs for material packaging:
– One 20’ container is loaded with 20-28 FIBCs depending on the bulk material and FIBC measurements. Each FIBC weighs 1.5kg on average, leading to 36kg of packaging material for 24 FIBCs in one container.
– One linerbag for a 20’ container weighs about 16kg, saving more than 50% packaging material.
– Savings can be generated when only one linerbag is needed per container instead of 24 Big Bags.

3. Reduce necessary handling per container:
– Not only will you be able to save money on the packaging itself, but handling all this packaging and the packaged material will become less costly as well.
– Instead of 24 movements with a forklift for each loading and unloading, the linerbag can be installed and dismounted by one person in a matter of minutes.
– Also keep in mind the handling required for each FIBC inside the production facilities.

4. Automate your container loading and unloading processes with rental equipment:
– Our fourth idea is connected to the former one. Automating your processes for container loading and discharging can allow you to reduce the required manpower and handling steps per container.
– Bulk material loadings and discharges are continuous processes that should not require constant handling steps or even observation by your workforce.
– Many companies offer their equipment on a rental basis that allows you to automate existing processes without an initial large Capex investment.

Bonus Tip. Free engineering support from WWTec and Siloadmaxx:
– All the above-mentioned ideas can be accomplished with the right partner. WWTec and Siloadmaxx specialize in transforming existing supply chains to make them more economic. Working out a solution with them is free of charge and you will be able to present a cost-saving concept to your boss for approval.
– Not only will the Siloadmaxx equipment help you reduce costs. Their way of loading and unloading linerbags also reduces your carbon footprint. The whole process from loading to unloading is a closed system and will prevent any dust generation and material contamination.
– Using the linerbag instead of FIBCs does save about 50% of plastic packaging, improving your supply chain’s impact on the environment.
– All equipment from WWTec and Siloadmaxx can be made available for rent. This gives you the opportunity to avoid large Capex investments and make flexible optimizations on your supply chain.

Contact WWTec today to find out how they can support you with your existing or new supply chains.

This article has also been published in Powder & Bulk Solids

Millions of tons of bulk goods are transported nationally, internationally and even overseas every month. Companies from all industries make use of different modes of transport to receive or send out bulk materials. There are many options available to move materials from A to B. For short-distance road transports silo trucks or rail wagons are a common option. As soon as the material needs to be transported on a ship the common choice is the standardized shipping container.

While road transports in silo trucks or rail wagons can be done mostly without additional packaging, they will generate additional costs for cleaning of the transport medium depending on the bulk good which is transported. This is a different case with shipping containers. Usually the bulk material in a shipping container is transported with additional packaging around it. This is done to protect the container from the bulk material and also protect the bulk material from any moisture or dirt coming from the container.

The packaging used for bulk materials is typically a so called “Big Bag” or FIBC. It comes in various sizes, the most common ones contain 1m³ or 2m³ of volume. These Big Bags are filled with the respective material individually and stored until ready for shipment. Then they will be loaded one by one into the shipping container by an operator with a forklift. The same procedure occurs at the receiving end. An operator with a forklift will take out every Big Bag individually, store them at a designated location und discharge them one by one.

Another option for packaging bulk materials in a shipping container is the “Linerbag” or “Container Liner”. This bag is installed into the container before the material is loaded into it. The Linerbag covers the whole volume of the container and can be secured with different methods to stay in place for the loading procedure. Financial savings are generated by reducing loading and discharging time, simplifying process steps and increasing utilization of loading capacity.

But how does the linerbag reduce plastic packaging for bulk materials? The answer is simply mathematical. Compare a container loaded with 24 individual Big Bags to a container loaded with one Linerbag. The 24 Big Bags “surround” the material on 6 edges 24 times, while the Linerbag surrounds the material only once. One Big Bag weighs approximately 1.5kg, multiplied with 24 this is 36kg of plastic packaging per container. One standard Linerbag on the contrary weighs only 16kg. That is a reduction of plastic packaging by over 50%! If you would use this example for a supply chain with 3,000 containers per year you would end up saving 60,000kg of plastic waste annually.

For the above mentioned reasons many companies are switching to Linerbags. While suppliers of Linerbags can be found quite easily, manufacturers of machinery to load and discharge linerbags are still fighting for visibility in this new niche. WWTec has been supporting the trend towards Linerbags for over 20 years and is specialized in loading and unloading equipment for all kinds of bulk materials. Many Linerbag suppliers recommend WWTec’s solutions as the best in the market, often referencing the Siloadmaxx portfolio which is developed and distributed by WWTec around the world.

If you are working on shifting your supply chain from Big Bags to Linerbags and want to profit from its advantages contact WWTec today to get support for your project.

In the quest for sustainable practices and environmental stewardship, innovative technologies are emerging to repurpose waste materials effectively. One such breakthrough is the utilization of recycled plastic flakes, i.e. sourced from used yoghurt cups and other plastic containers, for pyrolysis. Pyrolysis is a transformative process that converts plastic waste into valuable resources, including fuels and raw materials for industrial processes. At the forefront of handling these recycled plastic flakes for container transport is WWTec, a company specializing in bulk loading solutions.

Plastic pollution is a pressing global concern, with vast amounts of plastic waste accumulating in landfills and polluting our oceans. However, by harnessing the potential of pyrolysis, we can mitigate this environmental burden and transition towards a circular economy. Recycled plastic flakes serve as a crucial feedstock for pyrolysis plants, enabling the production of valuable outputs while reducing the demand for new, virgin plastics.

Enter WWTec’s cutting-edge solutions for handling these recycled plastic flakes. Their machines are tailor-made to efficiently load and unload dry bulk materials, including recycled plastic flakes, in and out of shipping containers. Equipped with ATEX-certified dust control systems and automated operations, WWTec machines ensure safe and accurate loading, preventing any loss or contamination of these valuable resources during transportation.

By incorporating WWTec’s advanced equipment into the supply chain, the recycling industry can elevate its efficiency and reduce its environmental impact significantly. Proper loading and unloading of recycled plastic flakes guarantee that the flakes maintain their integrity and quality throughout the journey, preserving their value as a raw material for pyrolysis processes. Even better: WWTec’s technology uses a linerbag inside the container which saves roughly 50% of plastic packaging as compared to Big Bags (FIBCs).

The collaborative approach of recycling companies and WWTec fosters a sustainable partnership that bolsters the circular economy. Together, they work to close the loop on plastic waste, giving it a new lease on life as a valuable resource rather than a pollutant. This concerted effort brings us one step closer to a greener, cleaner future, where waste is minimized, and resources are maximized.

Recycled plastic flakes derived from used yoghurt cups and WWTec’s solutions for bulk container transport create a dynamic synergy that drives the transformation of waste into a valuable resource. By employing these innovative approaches, we can embrace a circular economy, promote sustainability, and reduce the detrimental impact of plastic pollution on our planet. The collaboration between recycling companies and WWTec paves the way for a brighter, more environmentally conscious future.

Food processing companies prioritize several key factors when selecting industrial equipment for their operations. Efficiency is a primary concern, as they aim to optimize production processes and minimize wastage. Equipment that enables high throughput, rapid processing, and streamlined workflows is highly valued.

Reliability is another crucial aspect. Companies seek durable and robust equipment that can withstand the demanding nature of food processing. The ability to operate consistently over extended periods without frequent breakdowns or malfunctions is essential to maintain productivity and meet customer demands.

Compliance with food safety and quality standards is a non-negotiable requirement. Companies look for equipment that meets strict regulatory guidelines to ensure the integrity and safety of their products. Features like hygienic design, easy cleanability, and adherence to sanitation protocols are highly sought after.

Versatility and adaptability are also desirable qualities. Processing companies often handle a wide range of food products, and equipment that can handle different ingredients, processes, and packaging requirements adds significant value. Flexibility to accommodate future product diversification or process changes is a key consideration.

Siloadmaxx bulk loading equipment is not only suitable for industries such as mining and petrochemicals but also for the food industry. The company is able to manufacture equipment that complies with the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) standard, which is an internationally recognized food safety management system.
Siloadmaxx equipment can be useful for companies in the food business such as those in the starch, coffee, sugar, and cocoa industries with which it and its partner WWTec GmbH & Co. KG ( have a proven track record. The bulk loading equipment can help improve production efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure (or even improve) the safety and quality of food products during the loading process.

The Siloadmaxx equipment has been designed to prevent and reduce food safety hazards at all stages of the loading process, from raw materials to finished products. As a key part of the supply chain the loading and unloading equipment will ensure that your material gets from your production or storage silo to the customers receiving location in a fully closed process.

Contact Siloadmaxx now at to find out how Siloadmaxx can support you in handling your material for shipping container loading and unloading.

When the request from Finland for handling peat pellets came in, WWTec actually already had a full schedule for the entire calendar year. Of course, we still discussed the desired solution in consultation with the customer. Peat pellets were to be conveyed from a storage hall to a reactor 300m away. Normally, this is done via a pneumatic conveying line. However, a standby solution was still needed for downtime and maintenance work. It quickly became clear that we could not build a new machine for the desired process – the time objective as well as the personnel resources were simply too tight. In addition, at that time an extreme backlog in the supply chains led to unprecedented waiting times for standard components.

Many companies would probably have turned down an order here. Our team at WWTec has a special gift for “inventing” solutions out-of-the-box. An employee with a connection to agricultural machinery came up with the idea of using used potato belt wagons to transport the peat pellets from the warehouse to the silo. There, the carts reverse to a hopper with a filter and rotary valve. The conveyors move the material into the hopper and from there it is pneumatically conveyed up into the silo. We produce the required conveying and process air with our own compressors, which are installed in an adjacent 20-foot standard container. Thus, the machine runs self-sufficiently and is independent of maintenance work on the existing conveying stream.

Since the dust from peat pellets is explosive, the whole thing had to be adapted and tested according to the ATEX directive. Here we have an excellent partner in Bureau Veritas, which supports us from development to acceptance on site. With the described equipment from the second-hand market and from the existing WWTec rental park, this machine could be completed in record time during an economically difficult phase. The customer is pleased with a flexible, mobile and above all safe solution for handling peat pellets.